For us, as for so many others, it has meant more (thus
far) about putting our life on hold. It
exposes the little things we take for granted, a visit with friends or family,
a dinner at a neighborhood restaurant, or deferring the pleasures of theatre
and musical performances. Will it ever come back to the normal we once knew? Perhaps slowly, but in the meantime it has
ravaged our way of life. It is
particularly disheartening at our age.
How much more time will we be granted and what will the quality of life
At this stage of life, every moment with family and
friends and community is particularly precious. Shared experience is far more
important than anything else. Face Time, Zoom and Facebook can never replace
human contact.
This week was supposed to be a very special occasion for
us, flying to NYC to be with our “kids,” Jonathan and his wife Tracie, and Chris
and his significant other, Megan. The
four of them had surprised us with tickets for us all to see the revival of
Stephen Sondheim’s Company, on our
50th Wedding Anniversary, April 26. The show will also celebrate its own 50th Anniversary
on the very same day. What are the chances?
It is perhaps my favorite show of all time. When Ann and I first saw the show, I was
immediately captivated by the premise of Company,
particularly as the main character is “Bobby,” my wife’s nickname for me. No, I didn’t have the same conflicts as my
namesake, but as a New York City “boy,” Sondheim’s urbane, sophisticated Company, and its innovative ensemble
approach resonates with me. It was my second marriage and “Being Alive” is
exactly the way I felt, although there was some apprehension, as expressed in
“Sorry-Grateful” (my YouTube rendition of that song made a few years ago can be heard here).
What a major disappointment we will miss seeing Company with our kids on our special day. But all these years we’ve had Sondheim for
entertainment, consolation, and insight into human nature and with such
innovative, beautiful music. Perhaps that is a fair trade. Thank you Stephen
Sondheim; you enriched our lives.
And my own life is so infinitely richer by being married
to my soul-mate, Ann. We are simpatico
in so many ways, even where we’re totally opposite, her puzzle pieces perfectly
fitting mine. I dedicate my recent
YouTube performance of “Being Alive” to her.
Ann, you helped me “come through” and “I’ll always be there.”
Somebody, crowd me
with love, / Somebody, force me to care, / Somebody, make me come through, / I'll
always be there, / As frightened as you, / To help us survive / Being alive, / Being
alive, / Being alive!
And thanks to our sons who endeavored to bring us all
together for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. That’s what life is all about, isn’t it? We’ve got company!
Circling back to the opening paragraph, may you and yours
stay well, and stay safe, six feet apart!