Saturday, September 8, 2018

Our Son is Married; A Daughter Embraced

It was a special day on a cloudy Sunday afternoon in August.  Our son, Jonathan, was married to the love of his life, Tracie.

I have cobbled together iPhone photographs and even a couple of videos which capture the spirit of the event and that will be the bulk of this entry.  Let the pictures do the talking.

My own personal journey for this big moment in my life began with a visit to Felice, my long standing barber of my adult years, a couple of days before the wedding.  I make a point of this because his partner Tommy, who is now ill, gave Jonathan his first haircut.  That’s how far back we go.  I’ve watched them age as they’ve watched me.

The night before the wedding, we hosted a very informal, casual dinner at our hotel with a few of our out of town friends.  Ann is pictured here with Sydelle, Art and Marge with Chris in the background. 

We’ve been to many weddings, but this one was the best of them all.  Yes, easy for a parent to say.  Each child’s wedding is usually the best (although we’ve been to ones where there was open warfare between the bride and groom’s family), but I say this as objectively as possible.

There are special reasons.

First, since we are boaters, as is Jonathan, and, now, his bride, Tracie, they chose a venue on the water.  For this reason the bride and groom specified casual/boating dress, no suits, ties, or formal dresses.  It had to be one of the more comfortable weddings we’ve ever been to.

One photograph captures all who were at our own wedding, Ann’s long time friend, Arlene, and then our son Chris, and Ann’s niece, Regina, who were both little kiddies at the time.  Absent from the photograph was Melissa, Ann’s cousin’s daughter, as she was taking her own photograph of the group. 

But here she is with the bride and groom, and I have to thank her for the two videos she took, the links to which are below.

I was able to get together with three of my oldest friends, Bruce from my college days, Ron, a close colleague from my publishing days, and Ray from my boating days.  That may never happen again so it is good to have this photograph marking the occasion.

The entire ceremony bespoke of informality.  We first walked down the aisle with our son, Ann beaming as was I.

Then finally, the lovely bride Tracie and her parents showing their special pride and love as well.

Ed, a close friend of Tracie’s, who is an ordained minister as well, officiated.  Vows they wrote to one another were exchanged as the maid of honor, Katie, and the best man, Alec, looked on

The bride and groom were radiant after becoming man and wife.

Immediately following the wedding, the guests enjoyed an outdoor raw bar of clams and oysters plus shrimp, Champagne, wine, and cocktails, a fabulous Bloody Mary Bar and other hors d'oeuvres as well as passed platters of delectable appetizers.

Alec, Jonathan’s Best Man, announced the newlyweds as they entered the dining room where a delicious luncheon was served.  Ann and I felt such joy and happiness for them both. 

Alec delivered the first toast, many funny anecdotes about their days in college and many tender moments as well.  He enabled me to see my son from a different perspective further lifting my sense of delight on this special day.  Alec can be seen here on the left with Jonathan’s brother, Chris.

Tracie’s Maid of Honor described their special relationship and dwelled on what a warm, caring person Jonathan married.  Here’s Katie on the left with June, another dear friend and one of Tracie’s bride’s maids.

Tracie’s father, Alan, delivered a moving toast describing the importance of water symbolizing harmony in Asian culture, marking this occasion on the water with two very harmonious people.  Clearly, Alan and his wife, Patricia, feel the same way about Jonathan as we do about their daughter, Tracie.

Then for our turn, we decided to do something different.  Ann and I wrote a brief speech which she delivered, except for the toast.  The essence of our preliminary words is how we look at our beautiful Tracie as the daughter we always dreamed of having, welcoming her and her parents into our family.  It included the lyrics to a song, Two for the Road, that we thought captures Jonathan and Tracie’s relationship.  I followed the lyrics with the melody on the piano.  Here is a link to our“performance”.

After a delightful, fun-filled meal, the bride and groom cut the requisite cake (my favorite, carrot!).

Soon we were all outside to wish them goodbye as they departed.  It was a walk down a bubble filled path, a video of which can be seen here.  

A wonderful wedding, two sets of very happy parents, and why not, their “kids” in love and dedicated to each other!